MouseHunt - Starting (MUST KNOW)

Ok, so here are some information about Mousehunt, so basically, there are many stats:

Power:This is the total power of your trap, the more power you have, the more mice you will catch. Simple?

Power Type:This is the stat you have to worry about for much later on. Explaining it in the Master rank section.

Power Bonus:Your Power Bonus is a percentage stat, it adds your Base and Trap Power together, then add the power bonus % of the total power. So, if the power bonus is 10% and your total power is 100, so your total power after the bonus is 110.

Attraction Bonus: So this basically is the chance you attract a mouse. Your cheese has an attraction rate too, adding it with your trap's attraction bonus, you can attract much more cheese. This also comes in a percentage.

Luck:This is the most interesting stat out of all. Luck improves on the chance you catch a mouse, there will be much more powerful mice further on in the game, so a little luck may help you catch the mouse.
Luck also increases the loot's dropping rate.

Cheese Effect: This is a chance, some kind of spinning wheel where as your stats go staler, the stale part of the wheel gets bigger, chances of it getting stale is higher. The cheese will go stale if you fail to attract, but this has NOTHING to do with the time the cheese has been placed on your trap. The stats are Uber, Insanely, Very, Fresh, No Effect, Very, Insanely, Uber.

Hunters Log

So you can see that the catch log shows the time, the place where you caught the mouse. Also, it shows you a thumbnail version of the mouse, then it shows the weight and the points and gold you have gotten from the mouse, followed by the loot. Also if you want to post it on your facebook wall, there is a green share button at the top right of the log.

Gold - This is the amount of money you have, the more money you have, the more traps and cheese you can buy. Simple eh?

Points - This is the amount of points from each mouse you caught, traps need points in order to activate. So your rich friend can't buy everything for you, you have to earn it yourself, sorry for that.

Super Brie+

This is the ultimate cheese that provides 99% attraction rate for most of the places. This cheese can cost you up to 6000 gold per piece!! Thats like around 60 times the cost of Swiss Cheese, but there are many ways where you can get this cheese.
  1. Make a Donation to the MouseHunt Application [most direct]
  2. Buy it from the Marketplace [most direct]
  3. Complete a Offerpal signup from MH App [sometimes fails]
  4. Join one of the many contests on the MH Forum [most fun]
  5. Catch a Prize Mouse (seasonal)
  6. Some Non-Prize Mice may also drop some (e.g. Black Widow) 
If you have gotten your Super Brie+ through the 1st and 3rd method, you will get a Lucky Golden Shield that adds 7 Luck.

    This cheese can be smashed by a hunter's hammer in your crafting page and it produces Magic Essence, also when it goes stale, it turns into Stale SB+.
    Magic Essence
    Stale Super Brie+

     Magic Essence is an element that when combined into a crafting, it adds more product at the end. Stale Super Brie+ can be gotten from any things made from Magic Essence, Moon cheese.

    Here are some of the websites that gave me INSPIRATION!
    MH wiki
    The Guide to MouseHunt (1 of my favourite guides)
    The MouseHunt Guide